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Greenback wins the Best Technology Application of the Year

Greenback Recycling Technologies was awarded for the Best Technology Application of the Year at the Plastics Industry Awards held in London last week.

The annual event is dedicated to rewarding innovation, sustainability and exceptional performance of companies and individuals in the industry.

To recycle flexible plastics, Greenback has brought together two technologies, an advanced recycling process, Enval®, and a certification and tracking system, eco2Veritas™.

“It is fantastic to be recognised for the “Best Technology Application” as we are adapting and integrating technologies to plastic waste recycling that until now have been used in other contexts. This includes pyrolysis, microwaves, image recognition, AI, and the blockchain. This helps us keep our process as low-cost and simple as possible, often with off the shelf equipment. We can roll out plants efficiently and promptly”, says Philippe von Stauffenberg, the founder and CEO of Greenback.

“To be recognised by experts of the plastics industry also highlights how circularity for flexibles and multi-layer packaging has become a serious goal. It is a vindication of five years of work we have done to find an effective, financially sound and easily scalable solution to help reduce the impact of plastic waste. This win gives our team a boost and motivation to continue our mission to tackle plastic waste in the environment and make it fully circular”, von Stauffenberg adds.

Since 2001, the Plastics Industry Awards recognises and rewards excellence in the plastics industry. The panel comprises 20 independent judges who represent the UK plastics industry including product design, manufacturing, engineering and recycling. The 16 award categories cover all sectors of the industry as well as all aspects of plastic product design, manufacture and recycling.

For additional information: Lorena de la Canal Rioseco, Head of Corporate Affairs, +44 330 551 4612

About Greenback

Greenback Recycling Technologies is a UK-based advanced recycling company founded in 2018 to bring an immediate solution for the global plastic pollution. With a Enval® microwave-induced recycling process, it recycles flexible, multilaminate plastics and turns it to π-Oil™ and recycled aluminium. With eco2Veritas™ digital certification system it tracks the origins of the waste and proves the amount neutralised for brands and CPGs.


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